something that you can't miss out

Friday, December 11, 2009

S**T DAY!!!!

headache day!
too many things come inside in my mind...
d whole thing tat i study now...
is fucking hell cant get in my mind....
damn S**T!!!

many things recently making my day keep on becoming S**T!!!!
and the things is too many until i cant dissolve~
all of it in my life!!
what makes thing LIFE like that...
is when u have too many thing u cant dissolve it...
YOU just S**T out of it!!!
this which make my life S**T
too many things that i cant dissolve in my life...
which make my day S**T!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

[[ LOVE ]]

LOVE ar...
i think when i talk about love...
there are many people more experts then me...
but i just wanna let someone know that...

loving someone is not because...
you are LONELY...
is not that when you feel INSECURE...
is not that you CANT LIVE WITHOUT THEM...
there are many things to do besides then love...

When you need LOVE???
is when you really love the person...
and that person really love you...
love can't be started by just one people...

LOVE happen!!!
when you have happiness, sadness and hard to describe kind of feeling!!
even though is sad but you will still feel worth it...
because you are with the someone you love...

LOVE don't work...?!
love don't work by you doing this and that...
it happen naturally...
but you still need to do some attraction...
what i mean is that...
some people do some love spell and some black magician to get a love...
do you think is worth it...??
what you get is their body but not their heart...
what for right??!!!

So when the love is with you...
grab with it and hold on with it...
because is not easy to find someone you love...
but sometimes there is no LOVE in between...
just let it go because...
no point of being together anymore rite???
but many people don't think so....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


everyone know what is feeling...
but 1 things most of them don't know is that...
when you are sad...
a person will care for you...
but when the person who sad nobody know about it...
So, most of the human being are like that....
you only care about how you feel right now without considering others...

for my situation this time is that,
where i always talk a lot among my friends...
is like non-stop talking, chui sui~ing....
all sorts of funny stuff...
but when i really not in a happy mood that times...
and when i'm alone and i need someone to care about me that times...
who's know???!!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Soon my head gonna be like that!!

this few weeks like damn busy ar...
after my dance need to revise my studies....
even though i not fully revise...
cause i couldn't fully concentrate on it...
besides that, every nights i can't sleep early also...
must wait until 2 or 3 something like that only can sleep...
and i DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO when i can't sleep...

and my body feel very hot right now...
i think i gonna have fever soon..
just hope that it doesn't happen on the performance day!!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LiFe goinG around [[appreciate everything??]]

Life going back round and round...
if it's really happen...
because we will never know what will happen after our life...true???
maybe you will know when you sleep in the coffin...

2day i just saw a big accident...
where there are more then 20 students were drown in the river...
at kampar...
by that time, we were coming back from ipoh[[non-stop talking]]...
we saw a bunch of peoples crowded at that incident...
so we decided to kepoh a bit...
den get to know what had happen through an uncle...
he told us what had happen...
and all sudden is like...
each one of us like very quite and speechless...
and suddenly i feel that...
out life will just ENDED by just a SNAP OF YOUR FINGER...


So, my dear friends out there,
please appreciate each and every moment you have...
because we don't know when is the end of our life....
it can be tomorrow, later or maybe just the next second...
because by the time you wanna care it or even wanna talk to them
is already too LATE!!!
so if you can hug or even care about love one...
please do care more and interact more...
because our life is not in our hand...
enjoy more, be happy always!!!

message to the incident : may all the students are safe and peace!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Partner of your's Life....

everyone want :
someone to care...
someone to chat with when you are not happy...
someone to be with when you are sad...
someone to hug when you need warmth...
someone know what to do when you are sad...
someone, someone and someone...
who is the someone???

is not easy to find the someone,
which really understand what you want and need in your life...
i do admit is hard for us to find someone who really can be the someone...

who care about it???!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

mY best BrO b'day [[bryan]]

when me and my frenz reach there...
i was like oh MY GOD!!!

Luckily we near to Tesco...
so i run there 2 buy the candles at "Living Cabin!!"
[[so you guys forget to bring candle you all can go Living Cabin]]
sometimes i have to admit i damn smart also de la...
muahahaha xD
but is quite expensive
it cost RM4.90 but stil worth it la....
for my bro la, wat to do....
hehe ^^

after the b'day song we cut the cake with
cardboard cake [ the cardboard that use to keep the cake ]
i was like, "Wa~~ macam ini pun boleh ar?!!"
damn i had to admit my frenz are damn creative about that ...

and the pic of Han Keat and Bryan sweet sweet...
[[beh tahan nia]]
damn sweet ar them...

after finish the cake...
this is the most fun part of the b'day
which is bryan have to 2 condition of whether

gonna take a girl handphone number


take pic with 19 girls
( but we give discount for him since see him so cham so juz take 5 nia )


...and think very very carefully...

...until got he count with using formula of probability...

((after 30 mins))

He decided to take pic with 5 girls....!!!!

We waited sooOO Long for this la!!!
hehe ^^
i think Bryan gonna take revenge on my b'day which is coming soon damn it!!! ^^

1st pic...cute???


3rd pic...innocent???

4th pic...confusing???

5th pic...HOT???!!!

my bro have the coolest b'day la...
every girl wanna take pic with him...
anyway happy b'day bro!!!
may all your wish come true!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


mood swing again....???
just feel like drive fast car again...???
or maybe find someone to chat with...???

what the heck's is wrong with me???
and i, myself also don get it what had happen to myself...[[fuck it]]

what can i do??? WHAT CAN I DO!!!

maybe i need to find something to do...
just to relax myself...
damn everything!!!
i need to wait the day i die only i feel peace!!
LoLx, i am craxiiiE rite now!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

me + tao = non-stop eating!!!

me and mom had plan to "tao" long long long ago...
but didn't make it...
but at last with my full determination and persuasion...
makes my mom wanna go to "tao" and also my godmother go also...
when we reach the "tao"...
there were full of people...
and there is no more
it was like OH MY GOD!!!
what are we gonna do, tat was my cousin bro say...

Luckily i book the places there **i never thought that i were that genius
de**((non stop laughing))

when we went in the "tao"
we started to order
my mom took the menu
for few minutes
then she pass to me and said you order la...
actually is my mom dunno what to order but she wanna look pro....
manatahu...hehe ^^

luckily i been there before **i have to admit that i am genius again**

so i started to order non-stop....
we were like non-stop eating until like a HUNGRY GHOST!!

i just can't believe that...
we sitting there and eat for 2 hours!!
my gosh~!
we reali hungry untill that level...
LOL muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

the thing we ate and it's not just that...
there are more because i was too busy to eat...
so no time 2 take the pic...
hehe ^^

lamb chop....nice ^^

fried tofu...very soft ^^

mussels...fresh ^^

abalone...chun ^^

salmon...tasty ^^

i 4get wat it's call....but is nice ^^

cookies cream...sweet ^^

my black hair~~!! damn black ^^

me posing ((ss~ing))

me and my mom....

again me and my mom....hehe ^^

me and my godmother...^^

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

LiFe iS nOt eASY!!! ((stop CompLaint))

life is full of frustration, sad and all sorts annoying stuff...

but we still have 2 move on...

not just sit there and wait...

wait wait & wait...

there will not be any miracle that make all your frustration, sad or even annoying stuff GONE....

Don't complaint!!!

don't say how worst is your day...

because outside there...

will have a people even more WORST & EVEN SUCKX!!!

Don't complaint!!!

don say how suckx your life is...

because outside there...

will have a people that DOESN'T HAVE PARENTS...

but they still have to stand up and face their life....

"Life isn't EASY!!!"

that is true...

if it is easy and all the life is like easy going....

u wouldn't have a lot of experience in your life....

when you face problem and experience....

it's makes someone GROWN UP & BECOME MORE MATURE!!!
