something that you can't miss out

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


everyone know what is feeling...
but 1 things most of them don't know is that...
when you are sad...
a person will care for you...
but when the person who sad nobody know about it...
So, most of the human being are like that....
you only care about how you feel right now without considering others...

for my situation this time is that,
where i always talk a lot among my friends...
is like non-stop talking, chui sui~ing....
all sorts of funny stuff...
but when i really not in a happy mood that times...
and when i'm alone and i need someone to care about me that times...
who's know???!!!



Carmen said...

i have read ur blogs...
There are not neccessary to show your sad face to everyone...
if like that,everyone will affect by your sad emotion...
Wish u happy always ....
and Smile alway....
Gambateh for ur life...

❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

Ppl who cares abt you will always concern about you and care about you but not only when you are in sad mood. Sometimes just you didn realise when people are trying to care about u?? lolx.. dun sad and dun emo~ cz as what I knw.. there are many people who really care about you all the time.. juz try to slow down ur step and look around those people who around you.. take care

Dominance Chin said...

神秘游客: erm, juz wanna tel u tat...i wont show my sad face to others...but i will keep it 2 myself more...anyway thx 4 d concern...

sherry: i know wat u mean...but sumtimes when u r sad...u reali cant control it...

DomDom pohnI said...'m the 1 alwix care bout u lor..dun sad la dun sad lah..sayang back lah..hehe...say cheese~~~

Dominance Chin said...

i din sad la...

小猪 said...

slow down ur footstep,
look around ,
many people around u is care about u,
oni u does not realize ba le,
stay hapi o ,
all da best oOoo...

Dominance Chin said...

anyway thx 4 abt d care xiao zhu...
hehe ^^