something that you can't miss out

Friday, November 13, 2009

[[ LOVE ]]

LOVE ar...
i think when i talk about love...
there are many people more experts then me...
but i just wanna let someone know that...

loving someone is not because...
you are LONELY...
is not that when you feel INSECURE...
is not that you CANT LIVE WITHOUT THEM...
there are many things to do besides then love...

When you need LOVE???
is when you really love the person...
and that person really love you...
love can't be started by just one people...

LOVE happen!!!
when you have happiness, sadness and hard to describe kind of feeling!!
even though is sad but you will still feel worth it...
because you are with the someone you love...

LOVE don't work...?!
love don't work by you doing this and that...
it happen naturally...
but you still need to do some attraction...
what i mean is that...
some people do some love spell and some black magician to get a love...
do you think is worth it...??
what you get is their body but not their heart...
what for right??!!!

So when the love is with you...
grab with it and hold on with it...
because is not easy to find someone you love...
but sometimes there is no LOVE in between...
just let it go because...
no point of being together anymore rite???
but many people don't think so....


❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

Lolx... If you wanna say about LOVE then I think I need to say about "RESPONSIBILITY"..^^ Getting together wif the other half is not only LOVE included. Besides LOVE, there are sumthing else which is RESPONSIBILITY. Once we getting together.. then we are responsibility to care the other half,but not hurt the other half easily. Lolx.. anyway~ I get wat ur mean...thanks...

Dominance Chin said...

by nt hurting others, but hurt urself??? do u think tat is call "RESPONSIBILITIES"...i think tat is cal "SYMPATHY" more lo...

❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

lolx.. it's not consider as hurt myself.. try to think another way ?? someone will always besides u when u need anyone? lolx.. actually we have two option: 1st, find someone who u love with more than he love u or find someone who love u more than u love him ? lolx.. which 1 more suffer ?? haha..

Dominance Chin said...

lolx...when u need one, it can be friends also wat....not necessarily must be the love one de doesnt count hw much u love a person is count have u love the person..bcz if all this counting will juz make it more complicated...rite??? i know wat u mean...but sumtimes love don reali nid 2 count tat much...bcz v know loving each other is more den enough d ma....

DomDom pohnI said...

emm..then when the love will come btw??? any signal to know that it already appear???

Dominance Chin said...

erm...when u feel happy and comfort lo...n started always worry abt d ppl lo..

❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

LOVE is forever. some ppl might say LOVE is not forever cz we all dun knw when will happen next and forever is juz bullshit. But indeed, love is forever. LOVE will not changed and gone..We always confuse wif our feeling. Sometimes we tot we are in loved but when the feelings are gone, we will conclude that love will not be forever. But actually the feeling we have is not love.. It's a feeling which exceed than like and less than Love..LOVE is unforgettable for whole life~ that's why some ppl can be a single whole life and only one person inside their heart. I just realised that I am wasting my time on some relationship which I tot that is love. btw~ lolx..when u feel happy and comfort lo...n started always worry abt d ppl is means CARE larhx.. dumm..

Dominance Chin said...

which 1 is wasting time???
ok lo...tis time let u win lo..

❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

lolx.. so faz give up ar~ aiya~ nt fun dy tim~~ haha.. i juz simply say larhx. forget I've got many many Philosophy of Life can say ?? XD.. haha

Dominance Chin said...

yaya philosophy of life = cheong hei....muahaha...

❤Ś H ě r я կ❤ said...

"So when the love is with you...
grab with it and hold on with it...
because is not easy to find someone you love..."....I wonder Why someone will easily let go the love since love is not easy to find...? lolx.. haiz...

Dominance Chin said...

tat is why love is blind...when u started d love d oni u know tat that is nt ur love...if u don love that ppl anymore hw do u hold on 2 it...if no more love in between in between but stil hang on with each other tat mean cheating d...