something that you can't miss out

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


D dance choreo is all done...
but now we need to make our steps clean n nice...
total of 10 hours of choreo and keeping the dance steps correct...
freaking tired!!!
hope everything will come back smoothly
after CNY!!!

after done all d dance choreo
me, Peikhing, Jason & Sheny
went to play L4D2 at khakabo!!
creating a L4D2 need take 30 mins...
n it will suddenly disconnected...
DENG!!! **pek chek**

den after d game v play poker...
and sum1 fb gt hacked...
n i juz dunno why **devil smiling**

then, v went yc session...
thx 2 sheny and jason for the treat...
they are so good!!!
muahahaha xD

den v continue play Hotel 626 and watch ghost clips...
Jason n Peikhing is soOO BOH YONG!!!
sheny oso d same actuali...
haha xD
until 6am ++ like that we ended our session of LEPAK~ing


hope getting more ang pow tis CNY!!!
CNY is coming woohoo!!
i'm kinda excited where we can meet up wit our family members
and oso our old & new friends!!!
i think i gt little bit over liao...
haha xD...
but anyway CNY should b very happy,
non-stop taking ang pow
win many many!!!

Dominance here,
everyone Happy Chinese New Years!!

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