i'm totally bad person
i had bad reputation
i smoke & drink
once i drunk maybe i'll did something wrong
i'll get moody very easily
i'm big spend kinda towards myself
and i'm kiam siap oso
i'll always criticize ppl and don give them faces
i discriminates ppl i don't like
i'm totally not gentlemen
i don't give a damn on your feeling
ppl's say that i'm playboy
i talk too much sometimes
and hurt ppl feeling
i'm not a good bf
i'm easily like ppl
i'm a hangat-hangat tahi ayam kinda ppl
i always don admit lost
i don't care much abt my ppl
i'm super duper lazy
So, i'm damn bad kinda person to be with
Lastly, think properly whether u still interested to be my friends or not??!!!
Why la so emo...
sure will...
at least u always ask us to keep our passion to dance and it's not a bad person attitude, hmmm
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