(Hennessy Artistry 2011)


hey wazZup peepos~!
i was at Hennessy Artistry Event 2011
last Friday.
i go there as blogger.
i never been proud as blogger man.
is kinda nice but somehow da party wasn't that aWESOMe
as what i expected
but still da party was ok!
thx to karen for bringing me there.
is a good to expose to all those things.
because i always went to club is just for fun.
but this time was different where there was much more on social type.
there were MC and DJs that makes the party go even
but somehow the crowd ain't supportive enough
still the DJ & MC was good!

tis DJ is one of the most happening in da event
bcz she like understand what the crowds wan about da music
n da music was like damn CHUN weih~!
da bottle is damn nice!
kelvin is one of da crazy i met in da event.
he damn spontaneous.
i was drunk that day!
yea, i drunk!

anyway thx to Nicholas send me home.
i was vomit like Hell at tat moment.
n i mess up tat nitez.
sorry karen for bringing so many trouble to her
hope tat she don't mad me for long. ^^
n da most i want to thx is my babe that
take care of me for tat moment
she didn't even mad at me or anything
da only thing she care is helping me wipe my vomit stuff
n take care me here n there.
i appreciate it a lot babe!
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