something that you can't miss out

Sunday, April 24, 2011

sudden question 0.o

there is question
pop up in my mind
"what happen if one day i'm gone?"
will there anyone notice
i know is kinda weird
why suddenly dOMiNaNcE will think of this thing

recently i don't feel like
that i'm myself anymore
i started to think more & more stuff
i'm not sure why this is happening
is like out of sudden
this is totally not dOMiNaNcE anymore
is it dOMiNaNcE had change??!
**i wonder**

i miss those days
where there is not much worries
not much care of anything
just hangout with friends and have fun
especially with all those crazy bunch of gangs
but seems like is no longer there anymore

i miss back those days
but whatever is pass remain as pass
the only thing that can change is
our future and the ending

dOMiNaNcE: there is nothing much more better than families!!!


Unknown said... is like that especially when we grown up!! means that u mature ady lor~haha..when we start to pop out this kind of question, wherever we go, whatever we do, we will considered a lot of things, and be aware a lot of stuff! i like ur laz statement!^^

Dominance Chin said...

yup...agree wit wat u say!!

Chloe said...

Don't think so much la~~ anything u still got lots of ppl beside u de~~ stay happy~~^^

Dominance Chin said...

terima kasih manyak manyak, chloe...